Rules for conflict of interest avoidance
Rules for conflict of interest avoidance
These rules regulate the procedures and methods for prevention, detection and termination of conflicts of interest in exercising the powers of POD Allianz Bulgaria (the Company) employees in preparing, concluding and reporting investment transactions with the Company assets and the supplemantary retirement provision funds (SRPF) under management, on the one hand, and when concluding transactions at its own expense or at the expense of related parties with financial instruments and/or receiving income from financial instruments, on the other hand.
Rules for detecting and preventing conflicts of interests and for the personal transactions of POD Allianz Bulgaria
Yield Calculation Methodology
Yield Calculation Methodology
The yield acheived and the level of investment risk in the supplementary pension fund assets management by POD Allianz Bulgaria are calculated and publicly disclosed according to the Requirements to advertising and written information materials of pension funds and the pension companies under Art. 123i, para. 2 and Art.180, para. 2, item 1 and item 2 of the SSC.
Yield Calculation Methodology
Complaint Handling Procedure and Deadlines
Complaint Handling Procedura and Deadlines
Complaint handling procedures and deadlines related to the activity of the Company and the pension funds under management.
POD Allianz Bulgaria AD processes complaints received in accordance with the provisions of the Rules for the operation of the respective pension funds (PFs) and with the Procedure approved by the Company.
Complaints submitted by PF members, PF retirees and heirs of members or retirees and which are related to decisions of the Company affecting their rights are examined and the Company rules on them within five days of their receipt.
Complaints other than those described in the previous sentance are examined and the persons who have submitted them are sent a response to within thirty days of their receipt in the Company.
Members, retirees and their heirs have the right to report to the Financial Supervisory Commission (FSC), the Consultative Council (CC) for voluntary pension fund members and the Trustee Boards (TB) for the universal and occupational pension fund members about violations in the Company activity. According to the Social Security Code, the FSC, the CC and the TB are obliged to respond in writing to each complaint within two months from the date of its receipt.