Documents Banking

Important financial information and documents

Dear customers,
We would like to inform you that according to an official announcement of the BNB, the SOFIBOR index will no longer be published as of 1 July 2018.
Until 1 July 2018, Allianz Bank Bulgaria used the SOFIBOR index as a basis for calculating the reference rate on loans to consumers in BGN.

Allianz Bank Bulgaria has approved an “Action Plan in Case of Significant Change or Cancellation of a Benchmark” (the Plan), prepared in implementation of Regulation (EU) 2016/1011, according to which the BIR is changed by replacing the SOFIBOR index with a new interest rate index – Base Deposit Index for Individuals (BDII).

The BDII is calculated according to the Methodology approved by the Management Board of Allianz Bank Bulgaria, which is effective as of 01.07.2018 and is valid for all agreements for loans in BGN. Detailed information on the application of the Methodology, as well as examples for calculating the BDII, can be found on the bank’s corporate website:
The value of the BDII valid as of 01.07.2018 amounts to 0.22% and will be applied as of 01.07.2018 when forming the interest rate on new loan agreements.

For contracts concluded before 01.07.2018, the bank will apply the provisions of the Action Plan regarding the introduction as a Reference Rate of the new index - BDII, subject to the following procedure:

Until 31.12.2018, the value of BIR will be the last value published on the website of Allianz Bank Bulgaria, calculated as at 29.06.2018 on the basis of SOFIBOR.

Until 31.12.2018, the amount of the interest on the loan, determined according to item 1, remains unchanged.
In case the borrower does not agree with the new market index (BDII) chosen by the bank, they have the right to repay the loan in full by 31.12.2018. In this case, the borrower will not incur a financial penalty in connection with the early repayment of the loan, if such a penalty is provided for in the agreement.

After the expiration of the term under item 1, when forming the variable interest rate under all agreements for loan in BGN, BDII will automatically start to be used when applying the above-mentioned Methodology. The agreed fixed margin will not change.

In order to perform the above-mentioned replacement, it is not necessary to take any actions on your part, as well as to conclude an additional agreement to your contract.

If you have any questions and need information, you are welcome in your most convenient bank office.


In accordance with the legal requirements, Allianz Bank Bulgaria discloses the used Methodologies for IRV IN BGN and IRV IN EUR, applicable to pricing of credit transactions and values ​​of the reference rates;

The reference rates valid for the period from 01.07.2020 to 31.12.2020 are 0.13% for loans in BGN and -0.268% for loans in EUR.

Reference interest rate values

Reference interest rate values ​​(ODIHR)

In accordance with the requirements of the Consumer Credit Act and the adopted internal regulations, Allianz Bank Bulgaria AD announces:

Dear customers, 

We would like to inform you about forthcoming changes in Section 1, Section 11.1. Debit Card Issuance and Servicing and Section 11.3. Credit Cards Issuance and Servicing in the Tariff for Interests, Fees and Commissions for Individuals which will come into force as of 01.11.2020.

You can get acquainted with these changes here


Tariff for individuals in force from 01.11.2020

Dear customers, 

We would like to inform you about the following forthcoming changes in the Tariff for Interests, Fees and Commissions for Individuals which will come into force as of 02.06.2020:

1. Section 13. Allianz Start and Allianz Start + Packages – the fees under items 13.5 and 13.6 are deleted

2. Section 11. Card Operations – Change in Note 5

Pursuant to Art. 62 of the Payment Services and Payment Systems Act, Allianz Bank Bulgaria informs you that if you do not accept the proposed changes, you have the right to terminate the contract with the bank for the use of payment services before the date on which the changes come into force by sending a written notice to the bank.

The current tariff is published on the bank’s website

Tariff for individuals in force from 02.06.2020

Dear customers, 

We would like to inform you that as of 2 June, changes in Section 1 in the Tariff for Interest, Fees and Commissions for Individuals come into force. Customer Accounts, incl. in Annex 1 to Section 1. – Payment Account with Basic Features, Section 2. Cash Transactions, Section 3. Transfers, Section 4. Internet and Mobile Banking, Section 6. Credit Transactions, Section 7. Deposits and Savings Accounts, Section 11.1. Debit Card Issuance and Servicing, Section 11.5. Savings Card, Section 12. Allianz Academica. Section 5. Direct Debit and Documentary Collection is deleted and an annex to Section 8.1. Bank Safe is introduced.

You can get acquainted with these changes here.

Tariff for individuals in force from 02.06.2020

Dear customers,

We would like to inform you that as of 10 March 2020, a change in Section 6 Credit Transactions, item 6.2.1. Review and Preparation of an Opinion on Received Loan Applications with a Collateral other than a Mortgage enters into force:

6.2.2. Review and Preparation of an Opinion on Received Loan Applications with a Collateral other than a Mortgage Under a Special Offer – consumer credit – 1.50% of the approved limit For loans other than items and (note 8) – 1.00% of the approved limit

6.2.2. Review and Preparation of an Opinion on Received Loan Applications with a Collateral other than a Mortgage Under a Special Offer – consumer credit – 1.25% of the approved limit For loans other than items and (note 8):

up to BGN 5,000 – BGN 60.00
from BGN 5,001 to BGN 15,000 – BGN 130.00
from BGN 15,001 to BGN 25,000 – BGN 270.00
from BGN 25,001 to BGN 40,000 – BGN 420.00
from BGN 40,001 to BGN 50,000 – BGN 510.00
from BGN 50,001 to BGN 60,000 – BGN 600.00
over BGN 60,000.00 – BGN 700.00

The current tariff is published on the bank’s website

Dear customers,

We would like to inform you that as of 1 January 2020, changes in the sections Card Operations and Allianz Academica in the Tariff for Interest, Fees and Commissions for Individuals enter into force.
The changes in the cited sections for transactions of the type “cash withdrawals with a bank card” will be applied retrospectively for all completed transactions starting from 15.12.2019. Until the introduction of automated accrual of new fees, a procedure for official refund on the customer’s account of the difference between withheld and due fee will be applied. Differences will be refunded once a month.

The current tariff is published on the bank’s website

Tariff for individuals in force from 01.01.2020


Dear customers,

We would like to inform you about the forthcoming changes in the Tariff for Interests, Fees and Commissions for Individuals which will come into force as follows:

1/ As of 15 December 2019, changes in Annex 1 to Section I Customer Accounts and in Section Transfers of the Tariff for Interest, Fees and Commissions for Individuals enter into force. 

2/ As of 01 January 2020, changes in Section Transfers and in Section Internet Banking of the Tariff for Interest, Fees and Commissions for Individuals enter into force. 


The current tariff is published on the bank’s website

Tariff for individuals in force from 15.12.2019

Tariff for individuals in force from 01.01.2020

Pursuant to Art. 62 of the Payment Services and Payment Systems Act, Allianz Bank Bulgaria AD informs you that if you do not accept the proposed changes, you have the right to terminate the contract with the Bank for the use of payment services before the date on which the changes come into force by sending a written notice to the Bank.

Dear customers


We would like to inform you that as of 1 January 2020, changes in the sections Customer Accounts, Cash Operations, Transfers, Direct Debit and Documentary Collection, Credit Transactions, Other Services, Bank safe, Operations with Corporate Financial Instruments and Operations with Government Securities enter into force and a new section Internet and Mobile Banking is introduced in the Tariff for Interest, Fees and Commissions for Individuals.

The current tariff is published on the bank’s website

Tariff for individuals in force from 01.01.2020

Dear customers,

We would like to inform you that as of 1 November 2019, a change in Section 6 Credit Transactions, item 6.2.1. Review and Preparation of an Opinion on Received Loan Applications with a Mortgage Collateral enters into force:

Previous: 0.25% BGN of the approved limit

Current: 0.25% BGN of the approved limit, min. BGN 300

The current tariff is published on the bank’s website

Tariff for individuals in force from November 1, 2019.

Dear customers,

We would like to inform you that as of 1 October 2019, changes in the sections Customer Accounts, Cash Operations, Transfers, Direct Debit and Documentary Collection, Credit Transactions, Allianz Childhood Deposits and Savings Account, Other Services, Allianz Academica and Allianz Start and Allianz Start+ Packages enter into force.

 The current tariff is published on the bank’s website

Tariff for individuals in force from 01.10.2019

Dear customers,

We would like to inform you that as of 1 June 2019 and 1 August 2019, changes in Section 1.8 Appendix 1 to Section I. Customer Accounts: Payment Account for Basic Operations enter into force.

The current tariff is published on the bank’s website

Tariff for individuals in force from 01.06.2019

Tariff for individuals in force from 01.08.2019

Dear customers,

We would like to inform you about changes in the Tariffs of Allianz Bank Bulgaria AD for individuals and corporate customers.
As of 1 June 2019, changes in the Tariff for Interest, Fees and Commissions for Individuals in the section Other Services, subsection Fee for Preliminary Review, Document Review and Opinion on Acceptance / Refusal of Service as Customer enter into force.

The current Tariffs are available in the bank offices and are published on the bank’s website

Tariff for individuals in force from 01.06.2019

Dear customers,

We would like to inform you about changes in the Tariff of Allianz Bank Bulgaria AD for individuals.
As of 1 May 2019, changes in the Tariff for Interest, Fees and Commissions for Individuals in the sections Debit Cards and Credit Cards enter into force.

The current Tariffs are available in the bank offices and are published on the bank’s website

Tariff for individuals in force from 01.05.2019

Dear customers,

We would like to inform you that as of 1 September 2018, changes in Section 1.8 Appendix 1 to Section I. Customer Accounts: Payment Account with Basic Features enter into force.

The current tariff is published on the bank’s website

Tariff for individuals in force from 01.09.2018

Dear customers,

We would like to inform you that as of 1 August 2018, changes in Section 1.8 Appendix 1 to Section I. Customer Accounts: Payment Account with Basic Features enter into force.

Dear customers,

We would like to inform you that as of 8 February 2018, changes in Section 1.1. Interest Rates on Current Accounts, incl. for National and International Debit and Credit Cards of the Tariff for Interest, Fees and Commissions for Legal Entities and in Section 1 Customer Accounts of the Tariff for Interest, Fees and Commissions for Individuals enter into force.

The current tariff is published on the bank’s website

Tariff for individuals in force from 08.02.2018

Dear customers,

We would like to inform you that as of 1 July 2018, changes enter into force, as follows:

  • in sections: Transfers and Internet Banking of the Tariff for Interest, Fees and Commissions for Legal Entities;
  • in sections: Payment Account with Basic Features and Transfers of the Tariff for Interest, Fees and Commissions for Individuals.

The current tariff is published on the bank’s website

Dear customers,

We would like to inform you that as of 1 May 2017, changes enter into force in the section Credit Transactions, Review and Preparation of an Opinion on Received Loan Applications, a new item Under a Special Offer - consumer credit (note 8) – 1.50% of the approved limit is added.

The current tariff is published on the bank’s website

Dear customers,

We would like to inform you that as of 1 March 2017, changes enter into force, as follows:

  • in sections: General Terms and Conditions, Customer Accounts, Self-Service Zone, Bank Safe, Transactions with Government Securities Issued pursuant to Ordinance No. 5 of the Ministry of Finance and the BNB, Factoring Services, Other of the Tariff for Interest, Fees and Commissions for Legal Entities;
  • in sections:  General Terms and Conditions, Credit Transactions, Deposits, Self-Service Zone, Bank Safe, Transactions with Government Securities of the Tariff for Interest, Fees and Commissions for Individuals.

As of 1 May 2017, changes enter into force, as follows:

  • in sections: Customer Accounts, Cash Operations, Transfers, “Checks, Collection, Direct Debit, Internet Banking, Free Professions of the Tariff for Interest, Fees and Commissions for Legal Entities;
  • in sections: Customer Accounts, Cash Operations, Transfers, Check Operations, Card Operations and Allianz Academica of the Tariff for Interest, Fees and Commissions for Individuals.

The current tariff is published on the bank’s website

Dear customers,

We would like to inform you that as of 1 February 2017, changes in the General Terms and Conditions for Opening, Keeping and Closing Payment Accounts of Individuals enter into force.
The current General Terms and Conditions are published on the bank’s website

Dear customers,

We would like to notify you of changes in Section 8.2. Bank Safe of the Tariff for Interest, Fees and Commissions for Individuals in force as of 3 January 2017.
The current Tariffs are available in the bank offices and are published on the website

Dear customers,

  • As of 5 December 2016, changes in the Tariff for Interest, Fees and Commissions for Individuals enter into force in connection with the launch of the marketing of the Allianz Start and Allianz Start+ package products.
  • As of 6 December 2016, changes in the Tariff for Interest, Fees and Commissions for Individuals in the sections Allianz Childhood Deposits and Savings Account enter into force, except for the products ONLINE Savings Account and Allianz Childhood Savings Account.
  •  As of 6 February 2016, changes in the Tariff for Interest, Fees and Commissions for Individuals enter into force – for Allianz Childhood Savings Account, ONLINE Savings Account and the section VISA ELECTRON Savings Card.

The current Tariffs are available in the bank offices and are published on the website

Dear customers,

  • As of 15 August 2016, changes in the Tariff for Interest, Fees and Commissions for Individuals in the sections Allianz Childhood Deposits and Savings Account enter into force, except for the products ONLINE Savings Account and Allianz Childhood Savings Account.
  • As of 15 October 2016, changes in the Tariff for Interest, Fees and Commissions for Individuals enter into force – for Allianz Childhood Savings Account , ONLINE Savings Account and the section VISA ELECTRON Savings Card.

The current Tariffs are available in the bank offices and are published on the website

Dear customers,

  • As of 11 June 2016, changes in the Transactions with Corporate Financial Instruments (FI) section in the Tariff for Interest Rates, Fees and Commissions for corporate customers and individuals come into force.
  • As of 1 July 2016, changes in the Tariff for Interest, Fees and Commissions for Corporate Customers in the section Transfers and the section Internet Banking, and in the Tariff for Interest, Fees and Commissions for Individuals in sections 1. Customer Accounts, 2. Cash Transactions, 3. Transfers, 5. Direct Debit and Documentary Collection, 6. Credit Transactions, 8. Other Services, 11. Card Operations, 11.3 Issuance and Servicing of International Mastercard / VISA Credit Cards, 11.5. VISA ELECTRON Savings Card, and 12. Allianz Academica enter into force.

The current Tariffs are available in the bank offices and are published on the website

Dear customers,

  • As of 11 April 2016, changes in the interest rates on time deposits of individuals and legal entities enter into force.. 
  •  as of 11 June 2016, changes in the interest rates on current accounts of legal entities, incl. for debit and credit cards, Lex and Solutum accounts and current accounts, savings deposits, accounts servicing credit cards of individuals, online savings account, savings card and Allianz Childhood savings account enter into force.

The current Tariffs are available in the bank offices and are published on the website

Information according to the PSPSA*

 (*Payment Services and Payment Systems Act)

Dear customers,

we would like to inform you that as of 27 Octomber 2020, new General Terms and Conditions for Opening, Maintaining and Closing Payment Accounts of Individuals and for Providing Payment Services and Instruments enter into force.
In case you do not accept the proposed changes, you have the right to terminate the Framework Agreement for Payment Services with written notice to the Bank at any time before the date on which the changes are proposed to take effect, without financial penalties for termination. In case the Bank has not received such notification, pursuant to Art. 62 of the PSPSA, the changes will enter into force automatically on 27.10.2020 and will apply in the relations between the parties.


Общи условия за откриване, водене и закриване на платежни сметки на физически лица и за предоставяне на платежни услуги и инструменти (в сила от 27 октомври 2020 г.)

Общи условия за откриване, водене и закриване на платежни сметки на физически лица и за предоставяне на платежни услуги и инструменти (в сила от 22 юни 2020 г.)

Общи условия за откриване, водене и закриване на платежни сметки на физически лица и за предоставяне на платежни услуги и инструменти (в сила от 01 април 2020 г.)

Архив Общи условия за предоставяне на платежни услуги за физически лица

Общи условия за предоставяне на платежни услуги за физически лица (в сила до 31.10.2010 г.)

Общи условия за предоставяне на платежни услуги за физически лица (в сила от 1.11. 2010 г.)

Общи условия за предоставяне на платежни услуги за физически лица (в сила от 1.01.2012 г.)

Общи условия за предоставяне на платежни услуги за физически лица (в сила от 01.12. 2013 г.)

Общи условия за предоставяне на платежни услуги за физически лица (в сила от 10.03.2015 г.)

Общи условия за откриване, водене и закриване на платежни сметки на физически лица (01.02.2017 г.)

Документ с информация за таксите

Документ с информация за таксите - разплащателна сметка

Документ с информация за таксите - платежна сметка за основни операции

Документ с информация за таксите - сметка за кредитна карта

Документ с информация за таксите - сметка за спестовна карта

Документ с информация за таксите - специална сметка (Escrow)

Документ с информация за таксите - банкова платежна сметка със специален режим на обслужване на студент или докторант

Речник на стандаризираните термини






Danske Bank A/S, Copenhagen




Danske Bank AS, Stockholm




Fokus Bank (part of Danske Bank Group), Trondheim




Commerzbank AG, Frankfurt am Main


400 871907200CHF


Commerzbank AG, Frankfurt am Main


400 871907200JPY


Commerzbank AG, Frankfurt am Main


400 871907200GBP


Commerzbank AG, Frankfurt am Main


400 871907200EUR


Deutsche Bank AG, Frankfurt am Main


100 9233115 00


 Unicredit SPA, Milano




Raiffeisen Bank International AG, Vienna




The Bank of New York Melon, New York



Dear customers,

we would like to inform you that as of 27 Octomber 2020, new General Terms and Conditions for Opening, Maintaining and Closing Payment Accounts of Individuals and for Providing Payment Services and Instruments enter into force.
In case you do not accept the proposed changes, you have the right to terminate the Framework Agreement for Payment Services with written notice to the Bank at any time before the date on which the changes are proposed to take effect, without financial penalties for termination. In case the Bank has not received such notification, pursuant to Art. 62 of the PSPSA, the changes will enter into force automatically on 27.10.2020 and will apply in the relations between the parties.

Общи условия за откриване, водене и закриване на платежни сметки на физически лица и за предоставяне на платежни услуги и инструменти (в сила от 27 октомври 2020 г.)


Общи условия за откриване, водене и закриване на платежни сметки на физически лица и за предоставяне на платежни услуги и инструменти (в сила от 22 юни 2020 г.)

Архив Общи условия за издаване и използване на платежен инструмент - международна банкова платежна карта

Общи условия за откриване, водене и закриване на платежни сметки на физически лица и за предоставяне на платежни услуги и инструменти в сила от 01 април 2020 г.

Общи условия за издаване и използване на платежен инструмент - банкова платежна карта в сила от 29.08.2018 г.

Общи условия за издаване и използване на платежен инструмент - международна банкова платежна карта в сила от 20.10.2016 г.

Общи условия за издаване и използване на платежен инструмент – международна банкова платежна карта валидни за всички договори, касаещи издаване и обслужване на платежни банкови карти, сключени считано от 01 май 2015 г.

 Общи условия за издаване и използване на платежен инструмент – международна банкова платежна карта валидни за всички договори, касаещи издаване и обслужване на платежни банкови карти, сключени считано от 10 март 2015 г.

Общи условия за издаване и използване на платежен инструмент – международна банкова платежна карта валидни за всички договори, касаещи издаване и обслужване на платежни банкови карти, сключени считано от 23 юли 2014 г.

Общи условия за издаване и използване на платежен инструмент - международна банкова платежна карта в сила от 1.04.2014 г.

Общи условия за издаване и използване на платежен инструмент - международна банкова платежна карта в сила от 1.12.2013

Общи условия за издаване и използване на платежен инструмент - международна банкова платежна карта в сила от 1.10.2013 г.

Общи условия за издаване и използване на платежен инструмент - международна банкова платежна карта в сила от 15.02.2013 г.

Общи условия за издаване и използване на платежен инструмент - международна банкова платежна карта в сила от 1.10.2012 г.

Общи условия за издаване и използване на платежен инструмент - международна банкова платежна карта в сила от 1.08.2012 г.

Общи условия за издаване и използване на платежен инструмент - международна банкова платежна карта в сила до 31.07.2012 г.

Общи условия за издаване и използване на платежен инструмент - международна банкова платежна карта в сила до 30.04.2012 г.

Общи условия за издаване и използване на платежен инструмент - международна банкова платежна карта в сила до 31.12.2011 г. 

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