
Allianz Lex is a product designed for lawyers and notaries who are users of payment services for their professional activities. When opening a special current account, they receive special interest according to the current Tariff of the Bank for Legal Entities.
What does an Allianz Lex Program from Allianz Bank Bulgaria include?
Allianz Lex
No issuance fee and 50% discount on the annual fee for Mastercard credit card servicing
No fee for preliminary review on an Overdraft loan in the amount of up to 70% of the average monthly receipts on the current account from the last 3 months.
Consumer credit with no fee for preliminary review.
Mortgage loan with 50% discount on document review fee.
Up to 50% discount from the standard prices of the Residential Buildings and Household Effects and the Burglary insurances in ZAD Allianz Bulgaria
Preferential prices of the Professional Liability insurance
Holders of special current accounts acquire the right to participate in the Allianz Lex program and have the opportunity to use banking services and products and insurance products on preferential terms.
Do you want to take advantage of our offer?

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Forms, sample contracts, templates, insurance conditions, info-sheets and other useful documents.