Occupational pension fund

For early retirement of persons working under the conditions of the first and second category of labour

Occupational Pension Fund

  • early occupational retirement term pension for employees under the conditions of the first and second category of labour
  • one-time or deferred payment of up to 50 per cent of the individual account accumulation, in case of permanent labour capacity decrease of over 89.99 per cent;
  • one-time or deferred payment of amounts to the heirs of a deceased pension fund member or retiree
  • Allianz Bulgaria Mandatory Occupational Pension Fund is registered by Sofia City Court in company case № 14146/2000, UIC 130430119, NRA code: 051, FSC Decision № 345-PPF/25.08.2003


The choice of an occupational pension fund is personal. Everyone who is subject to participation in an occupational pension fund has to submit an application and conclude a contract with a pension company of their choice. Applications are submitted to the selected company which submits them to the National Revenue Agency.

Every member has the right to submit an application for participation in only one occupational pension fund.

There is a three-month deadline. Everyone who has started working for the first time under the conditions of the first or second category of labour has to choose an occupational pension fund. Those who have not made their choice within three months, as well as those who have applied for participation in more than one OPF, are distributed ex officio (formally affiliated) among the registered occupational pension funds.

Retirement provision is implemented on the basis of a contract between a member and a licensed pension company. Contributions are accumulated in an individual member account.

  1.  From 1 January 2016 pension fund members acquire the right to an early retirement pension upon:

       a. not less than 10 years of insured service after 31 December 1999 under the conditions of the first category of labour, and age 10 years lower than their age under Art. 68, para. 1 of the SSC;

       b. not less than 15 years of insured service after 31 December 1999 under the conditions of the second category of labour or under the conditions of the first and second category of labour and age 5 years lower than their age under Art. 68, para. 1 of the SSC.

  2. In assessing the right to a pension pursuant to para. 1, the insured length of service under the first category of labour supplements the insured length of service under the second category of labour without conversion.

    3. The pension is paid until the age under Art. 68, para. 1 of SSC has been reached, and it may not be received together with a labour-activity pension or with a social disability pension under Part One of the SSC.

   4. The existence of the insured length of service required is proved by a certificate from the National Social Security Institute.

The amount of the early retirement occupational pension is calculated on the basis of the individual account accumulation, the payment period and the technical interest rate approved by the Deputy Chairperson of the Financial Supervision Commission.
Appendix no. 1а to Art. 3, para. 10 (New - SG, no. 78 of 2011, in force of 1.01.2012) of Ordinance no. 3 of 24 September 2003 on the procedure and manner of switching participation and transferring the pension fund member account accumulation from one supplementary retirement provision fund to another fund of the same type managed by another pension company

BASIC INFORMATION to members of Allianz Bulgaria OPF upon participation

Appendix no. 4 to Art. 4, ал. 1 of Ordinance no. 33 of 19 September 2006 regarding individual applications for participation in a supplementary mandatory retirement provision fund and for retirement provision resumption in a universal pension fund

Announcements about the amendments and supplements to the Rules of operation and the investment policy are published in the Trud and 24 Hours newspapers.

The announcement of the latest amendments to the Rules of operation of Allianz Bulgaria Mandatory Occupational Pension Fund, approved by Decision No. 666 – ППФ / 09.09.2021 of the Financial Supervision Commission, was published on 17.09.2021 in 24 Hours newspaper and on 18.09.2021 in Trud newspaper.

16 Srebarna str., Sofia 1407
Our team of experts is at your disposal to provide advice about retirement provision opportunities with POD Allianz Bulgaria
We have created a special section where the necessary documents, applications and forms are available.