
Especially for students, graduate students and doctoral candidates, Allianz Bank Bulgaria has created the package product Allianz Academica which fully meets the needs of young people to bank in a modern and secure way.
Users of the Allianz Academica package have the right to request a credit card from Allianz Bank Bulgaria under the following preferential terms:
Ensure peace and comfort with automatic payment of utility bills.
With the service for automatic payment of utility bills, you can pay your liabilities for used utilities such as electricity, water, telephone and others, through the debit, savings or credit card issued by Allianz Bank.
The service is provided by the operator DATAMAX AD and gives you the opportunity, through a card registered by you, to pay all specified subscription (https://www.allianz.bg/bg_BG/individuals/banking/bank-cards/additional-services.html#) numbers to suppliers of:
according to the list of merchants provided.
You can change the terms of the service at any time or cancel it.
In order to use the service, it is necessary to conclude an Additional Agreement with the bank and to register in the Electronic Utility Bills system.
Request - Contract for registration for use of services through the system of DATAMAX AD - for
Tariff of the operator DATAMAX when generating notifications for successful / unsuccessful payments of electronic utility bills.
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