Overdraft secured by future salary income

Additional funds at any time

  • Maximum amount up to BGN 10 000, but not more than the amount of 4 monthly net salaries
  • Repayment period – 12 months
  • Annual interest rate – 8.75% **
  • Collateral – income from future salaries


  • Review and preparation of an opinion on received loan applications – BGN 25
  • No fee for early repayment;
*The opportunity to apply for an Overdraft online is available for existing customers with full active access to Internet  banking Allianz E-Bank.  

**The interest rate is variable and is defined as the sum of the reference rate in BGN or EUR and a fixed margin. The reference rate is determined according to approved Methodologies published on the website of the bank www.allianz.bg. The bank announces on the first business day of January and on the first business day of July of each calendar year the new value of the reference rate applicable to loans in BGN and EUR.

APR: 10.26% for a loan in the amount of BGN 2 500 and a repayment period of 12 months at an interest rate of 8.75%. Total amount due BGN 2 743.75. It is assumed that the credit limit is used immediately and fully to maturity.
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